WAHARA - Water Harvesting for Rainfed Africa

Introduction to the WAHARA project

In the variety of contexts in Africa – from arid to humid – the availability of water has become increasingly important, making an improved capture and usage of water essential. To ensure a continuous water supply for agricultural crops, water harvesting has been carried out in the earliest agricultural practices; however the environment has changed, as well as the number of people depending on it.

This is where the WAHARA project will make a difference: four countries, four pilot projects, one goal: increasing the potential of water harvesting.


UNCCD Third Scientific Conference to be held in Mexico

The UNCCD 3rd scientific conference will be held in Cancún, Mexico from 9 to 12 March 2015 in the framework of the 4th special session of the Committee on Science and Technology.

The conference is convened under the theme "Combating desertification/ land degradation and drought (DLDD) for poverty reduction and sustainable development – the contribution of science, technology, traditional knowledge and practices".

Global changes are expected to accentuate DLDD, and the vulnerability of populations, particularly those living in drylands. The conference will therefore focus on how to anticipate the impact of climate change and land degradation, in order to be able to promote adaptive and sustainable land management approaches to reduce poverty and environmental degradation while achieving sustainable development.

Parties, observers and relevant organizations are encouraged to contribute to the success of the meeting and showcase their work by:
• Submitting a proposal for a side event
• Applying for a booth

More information, application forms and guidelines on:


Requests must be sent to the UNCCD Secretariat by January 9th, 2015.

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