Plenairy meeting 2014 - University of Leeds

The WAHARA 2014 plenary meeting was held from May 21-23 and hosted by the University of Leeds. 

On Tuesday, the Workpackages WP2-WP5 gave presentations about their progress and also the study site representatives from Mekelle University (Ethiopia), Institut des Régions Arides (Tunisia), INERA (Burkina Faso) and GART (Zambia) gave presentations about the progress in their corresponding study areas.

Wednesday was reserved for an excursion into the Yorkshire Dales, where our guide Pete gave an interesting explanation about the history of the area (lead mining) and the repercussions this still has on the environment and drinking water supply today.

Friday was mainly reserved for project and planning purposes and future project issues, and Rudi Hessel from coordinator ALTERRA led the discussion this day.

WARARA Meeting Leeds 2014 - Meeting Images
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